Management consulting and change leadership company

Put people at the heart of your transformations!

In today's chaotic world, the organisations that find the keys to their survival and development are those that cultivate collective intelligence to reinvent themselves and be proactive.

Our mission is to support you at key moments in your company's history (mergers, reorganisations, scale-ups, cultural changes, etc.) to maximise your potential while respecting each individual so that you can deliver sustainable, meaningful performance.

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Some of the challenges shared by our customers...

comment maintenir le sentiment d'appartenance dans un monde hybride
comment constituer des équipes efficaces et cohérentes par-delà les distances et les cultures
comment booster la coopération et l'intelligence collective en respectant la singularité de chacun
comment naviguer dans notre monde complexe / VUCA, parfois chaotique
comment aider des entités avec des cultures d'entreprise différentes à travailler ensemble
comment construire ensemble une performance durable
comment mobiliser nos collaborateurs et nos partenaires dans la transformation de notre entité
comment créer une identité partagée et construire une culture d'entreprise authentique et porteuse de sens

If you recognise yourself in any of these challenges, you've come to the right place!

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An eco-system of professionals

We are an ecosystem of experienced professionals who have chosen each other, motivated by an approach that is both humanistic and demanding.

Learning as a virtue

We are convinced of the virtues of individual, collective and organisational learning to cultivate resilience in an uncertain and complex environment.

Develop talents

We encourage the development of each individual talent . .

Boost collective intelligence

We support our customers in achieving their objectives through co-construction, which is less energy-consuming than injunction. We create the conditions of trust to boost collective intelligence.

The heart of the hive: more than 45 years of combined operational experience at your service

Sandrine Vaillant

Sandrine Vaillant

Founder of Beelonging - Associate Coach SF Coach

Florence Guimezanes

Florence Guimezanes

Coach, CNV trainer and leadership consultant

Sandrine Vaillant

Sandrine Vaillant

Founder of Beelonging - Associate Coach SF Coach

Florence Guimezanes

Florence Guimezanes

Coach, CNV trainer and leadership consultant

Do you want to know who we are and what are the founding principles of our colony ?

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they already trust us!

The expertise of our hive inspires you?

Do you want to develop the potential of your employees and bring a new collaborative dynamic?

Let’s talk about your project!

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